Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Top 8 Easy Ways for Healthy Pregancy with Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai, India?

When it comes to pregnancy, everyone seems to have an opinion on what’s best for mom and her baby. When taking in all of this advice – some of it hair-brained, some of it contradictory – it’s easy to find yourself overwhelmed, confused and frustrated. That’s why we’re going back to basics, paring down the most sound and simplest advice for a healthy, stress-free and happy pregnancy. Dr Narayana Reddy is Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Sexologist Doctor for Healthy Pregnancy in Chennai
Find Sexologist Doctor for Healthy Pregnancy Life in Chennai
Find Your Affordable Sexology Doctor & Treatment Clinic in Chennai : 

One of your first steps should be finding best sexology doctor in chennai who you feel confident in and comfortable around. Regular prenatal care is so important during pregnancy and to ensure a healthy birth. During these visits, your provider will do a physical exam, check for healthy weight gain and test your urine. Throughout your pregnancy journey, you’ll have blood work done to make sure both you and baby are doing well. You’ll listen to your little one’s heartbeat, check in periodically through ultrasound imaging and have ample time to ask questions and address your pregnancy and birthing concerns. There are so many Sexology Doctors available for Sexology Treatment Clinic in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Take a Prenatal Vitamin : 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all pregnant women take a prenatal vitamin that includes 400 micrograms of folic acid. Folic acid is a B vitamin that’s been shown to significantly reduce the risk for neural tube defects like spina bifida. A well-balanced vitamin will also include nutrients vital to your health and your developing baby. Ask your health care provider about taking an additional calcium supplement, as a deficiency could pose some trouble for you down the road.

Exercise :

Talk to your doctor or midwife about beginning a gentle exercise regimen. Working out regularly – 30 minutes each day – can help you feel better, reducing aches and pains and boosting your self esteem. Most importantly, labor and delivery are hard work and a true test of your endurance. You wouldn’t sign up for a marathon without planning to train, would you?

Go to the Dentist : 

We’ve talked about how important it is to get your teeth cleaned during pregnancy before. With pregnancy hormones surging and fluctuating, you’re more prone to gum infections at this time. Untreated infections can increase your risk for pre-term birth – and cause more dental problems for you post pregnancy. Keep your six-month check-up on the books, but just be sure to alert your dentist to your pregnancy.

Eat a Balanced Diet :

Ignore that old maxim that states that during pregnancy you’re eating for two. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology advises that expectant mothers add an additional 300 calories to their daily intake. Make these calories count by focusing on whole foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy grains and protein sources like chicken, tofu and salmon.

Hydrate :

If you’ve never been a big water drinker, now is the time to change that. Guzzling eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, helps deliver much-needed nutrients to your developing baby. Water staves off bladder infections and constipation, reduces swelling, may help with joint pain and nausea and is crucial to maintaining a healthy level of amniotic fluid.

Healthy Pregnancy with Sexology Doctor in Chennai
Find Easy Ways to Get Healthy Pregnancy with Sexology Doctor in Chennai
Chill Out :

Recent studies show a correlation between high stress levels and complications during birth. During pregnancy, put a focus on staying calm and centered. There’s no shame in seeking out the professional help of a therapist if you need someone to talk to.

Join a Birthing Class : 

Knowledge is power. Prepare for labor and delivery by signing up for a birthing class before the end of your third trimester. You’ll learn about the stages of labor, what you can expect and pick up some helpful tips for pain and stress management. You’ll also meet face-to-face with other expectant moms and have the benefit of sharing your pregnancy experiences and fears with others in the same boat.

Dr. D Narayana Reddy
A-2, Ravi Towers,
53/22, Hindi Prachar Sabha Street,
T. Nagar, Chennai - 600017
Phone : +91 - 44 24354242 & 42024828

Sunday, 28 August 2016

How to Select a Genuine & Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai for Male Infertility Sexual Problem?

If you are suffering from male infertility, then you will want to know that you are not alone. There are millions of men like you suffering from the same problem worldwide. 

If you are not able to satisfy your partner sexually, then she will tend to look for it elsewhere. This can cause serious martial relationship problems and misunderstandings. You really cannot blame her for going astray because you were not able to make her sexually content. As a good husband, you will not want your wife to do this to you. 

Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai for Male Infertility
Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai for Male Infertility

This is the main reason, why you will want to find a Genuine Sexologist Doctor in Chennai who can help you out with male infertility issue. 

What is Male Infertility and How a Sexologist Doctor in Chennai can Help you?

Male infertility is a medical condition where you are able to conceive your partner. The main problem is because of low sperm count. When you have low sperm count, the chances of your wife being able to conceive is very low. Apart from that, when you are not able to get a good erection, which cannot enable you to satisfy your partner, it is known as male infertility. 

How a Good Sexology Doctor in Chennai Can Help you?

First, few medical tests are performed on you and your medical history, medications, and body problems are reviewed. Your semen is collected and then sent for analysis. When the results are low sperm count you are provided with medications and some exercises are suggested. Depending on the results which are got, few other tests are done based on the results. 

Sexology Treatment Clinic in Chennai
Sexology Treatment Clinic in Chennai
It is important you get medical treatment from a reputed Sexology Clinic in Chennai which can enable you to cure you from your male infertility. To find a good sexologist, you need to read the feedback written by patients who have taken treatment from that doctor. Fix an appointment with the sexologist and find out more about your problem. 


It is obvious that you can treat your male infertility medical issue once you get checked up by the Best Sexologist in Chennai. Instead of delaying the treatment, you will want to meet up with the sexologist as soon as possible and start a new life immediately. 

Thursday, 25 August 2016

How Can I Find Best IVF Sexology Doctor & Treatment Clinic Hospital for Female Endometriosis in Chennai?

If you are having sexual issues, then visit the Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai to get rid of your medical problem. The doctor present there can help you with your sexual problem. You need to understand that women too have needs and when they are not satisfied, they look elsewhere. 

Best IVF Sexology Doctor & Treatment Clinic in Chennai
Find the Best IVF Sexology Doctor & Treatment Clinic in Chennai
How to Find the Best IVF Sexology Doctor & Treatment Clinic Hospital in Chennai :

The earlier the medical treatments are taken, the more your chances of leading a good sexual life. Men are embarrassed having to visit a doctor to tell their medical problems. There is nothing wrong with it. Some of the causes for sexual endometriosis are tension and stress. When you have a job which makes you constantly stressed then you will want to quit. 

The reason for that it is having a negative impact on your health and reproductive system. When you want to get Sexology Treatment in Chennai they first perform few tests to actually find out the exact cause of your medical problem. Your semen is sent for analysis and checked to find out if the sperm count and quality of sperm is normal. When the sperm count is low, then you are having infertility. 

Where Can I Get Best Sexologist Doctor for IVF Sexology Treatment in Chennai :

Your reproductive organs are scanned in the Sexology Clinic in Chennai to see if there are any physical abnormalities. The doctor then checks and analysis your body for any medical issues. Several tests are performed depending on the results which have been got earlier. If you are suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, then get immediate medical treatment.  

They will also advice you to sexual therapy, counseling weight control measures, how to combat stress, floor exercises, changes in lifestyle, injection of medicines into the penis, and oral medication. These can be extremely useful as they not only help in losing weight, but also increase the chances of fertility. 

Best Sexologist Doctor & Treatment in Chennai
Best Sexologist Doctor & Treatment in Chennai
The blood sugar also has to be monitored when you have diabetes. As recommended by the Best Sexologist in Chennai it decreases the chances of erectile dysfunction. You need to also perform exercises regularly which can help you to reduce your weight and have normal sexual intercourse. 

Your partner helps you by holding your organ for sometime till you cannot hold any longer. This helps in reducing premature ejaculation. When you are obese, then immediately start to lose weight by doing regular exercises. Find a Affordable Sexologist Doctor in Chennai and take their advice and medications seriously to get rid of your medical problem.

It is clear that visiting a good doctor who can help you and leading a proper lifestyle can immensely help your health and sexual function.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Dr Narayana Reddy: Chennai Best Sexologist Doctor Speech About Is it Right Ways to Have Sex During Pregnancy Time?

Sex During Pregnancy : 

As long as your pregnancy is proceeding normally, you can have sex as often as you like. It’s better to avoid it in first 3 months and last 3 months. There is an increase in vaginal lubrication; engorgement of the genital area helps some people become orgasmic for the first time or multi-orgasmic. Unexplained vaginal bleeding is an absolute contraindications for sex during pregnancy. There are many Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai for Sexology Treatments.

Sexologist Doctor in Chennai
Have Sex During Pregnancy Time
Is it Right Ways to Have Sex During Pregnancy Time?

As long as your pregnancy is proceeding normally, you can have sex as often as you like. But you may not always want to. At first trimester, hormonal fluctuations, fatigue and nausea may sap your sexual desire during the second trimester, increased blood flow to your sexual organs and breasts may rekindle your desire for sex During the third trimester, weight gain, back pain and other symptoms may once again dampen your enthusiasm for sex But there are many reasons why sex during pregnancy can be more enjoyable, even if you are doing it less. There is an increase in vaginal lubrication; engorgement of the genital area helps some people become orgasmic for the first time or multi-orgasmic. If you have any doubts, Visit Your Sexology Doctor in Chennai for sexual activity during pregnancy time.

Can Sex During Pregnancy Cause a Miscarriage?

Most of the early miscarriages are usually related to chromosomal abnormalities or other problems in the developing baby. But it is always better to avoid sex during first trimester (12 weeks), though the chances of miscarriage are less, few cases of have been reported. It’s better to avoid sex in last trimester (last 3 months) as rupture of bag of membranes can cause premature labor.

Does Sex During Pregnancy Harm the Baby?

Your developing baby is protected by the amniotic fluid in your uterus, as well as the mucous plug that blocks the cervix throughout most of your pregnancy. Sexual activity won't affect your baby.

What are the Best Sexual Positions During Pregnancy?

As long as you're comfortable, most sexual positions are OK during pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, experiment to find what works best. Rather than lying on your back, you might want to lie next to your partner sideways or position yourself on top of your partner or in front of your partner. If you have any sexual problem during pregnancy, as soon as possible visit your Affordable Sexology Doctor & Treatment & Clinic in Chennai.

Safe Sexual Positions in Pregnancy :

Woman on top- this allows you to control the depth of penetration, and the majority of the movement. Spooning- usually its best if the man is behind allowing his penis to go between your thighs and enter you from behind. Hands & Knees- this is a very good position for pregnant women again because of the lack of direct pressure on the abdomen.

What About Oral and Anal Sex?

Oral sex is safe during pregnancy. There's a caveat, however. If you receive oral sex, make sure your partner doesn't blow air into your vagina. Rarely, a burst of air may block a blood vessel (air embolism) — which could be a life-threatening condition for you and the baby. Generally, anal sex isn't recommended during pregnancy. Anal sex may be uncomfortable if you have pregnancy-related hemorrhoids. More concerning, anal sex may allow infection-causing bacteria to spread from the rectum to the vagina.

Sexology Doctor Treatment Clinic in Chennai
Sexology Doctor Treatment Clinic in Chennai
Should my Partner use a Condom?

Exposure to sexually transmitted diseases during pregnancy increases the risk of infections that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health. Use a condom if your partner has a sexually transmitted disease, you're not in a mutually monogamous relationship or you choose to have sex with a new partner during pregnancy. Is there any affordable Sexology Clinic in Chennai.

Can Orgasms Trigger Premature Labour?

Orgasms can cause uterine contractions. But these contractions are different from the contractions you'll feel during labour. If you have a normal pregnancy, orgasms — with or without intercourse — don't seem to increase the risk of premature labour or premature birth. You are at a risk of premature labour. Unexplained vaginal bleeding. Leaking amniotic fluid. Cervical incompetence Placenta previa. Active sexually transmitted disease of partner.

After the Baby is Born, How Soon Can I Have Sex?

Whether you give birth vaginally or by C-section, your body will need time to heal. It’s recommended to wait for four to six weeks before resuming intercourse. This allows time for your cervix to close and any tears or a repaired episiotomy to heal.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

How Can I Get Best Treatment Clinic for Sexual Dysfunction from Sexology Doctor in Chennai, India?

When you are suffering from sexual dysfunction and are unable to get proper erections, then it is vital that you get immediate medical attention and treatment from a Sexology Doctor in Chennai

The earlier the medical treatments are taken, the more your chances of leading a good sexual life. Men are embarrassed having to visit a doctor to tell their medical problems. There is nothing wrong with it. Some of the causes for sexual dysfunction are tension and stress. When you have a job which makes you constantly stressed then you will want to quit. 

Get Sexology Treatment from Sexology Doctor in Chennai
Get Sexology Treatment from Sexology Doctor in Chennai
The reason for that it is having a negative impact on your health and reproductive system. 

When you want to get Sexology Treatment in Chennai they first perform few tests to actually find out the exact cause of your medical problem. Your semen is sent for analysis and checked to find out if the sperm count and quality of sperm is normal. When the sperm count is low, then you are having infertility. 

Your reproductive organs are scanned in the Sexology Clinic in Chennai to see if there are any physical abnormalities. The doctor then checks and analysis your body for any medical issues. Several tests are performed depending on the results which have been got earlier. If you are suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, then get immediate medical treatment.

Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai
Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai
Your partner helps you by holding your organ for sometime till you cannot hold any longer. This helps in reducing premature ejaculation. When you are obese, then immediately start to lose weight by doing regular exercises. Find a Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai and take their advice and medications seriously to get rid of your medical problem. 


It is clear that visiting a good doctor who can help you and leading a proper lifestyle can immensely help your health and sexual function.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

How to Choose a Reliable & Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai Who Can Help You for Male Infertility?

Are you suffering from male infertility? Are you unhappy with yourself not being able to conceive your partner? When you are not able to satisfy your partner sexually, then she will look elsewhere. This can cause serious relationship issues and misunderstandings between the both of you with no satisfaction in sex life. So, find a Good Sexologist Doctor in Chennai who can help you out with male infertility issue. 

Good Sexologist Doctor in Chennai
What is Male Infertility and why to Visit Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai?

Male infertility is a medical problem where the man does not get good erection which cannot enable him to conceive or sexually satisfy his partner. In male infertility, the sperm count is very low, which can cause your partner not being able to conceive. Men who can get normal erection with normal sperm count can conceive their partners during their wet days.

How to Find a Good Sexology Doctor in Chennai?

Going to a sexology doctor can immensely help you solve your medical problems. First, few medical tests are done and your medical history, medications, and body problems are reviewed. Your semen is collected and then sent for analysis. If the results come as low sperm count, then you will be provided with medications and some exercises recommended. 

Find Sexology Doctor & Clinic Treatment in Chennai
Find the Sexology Doctor & Clinic Treatment in Chennai
Few tests may be done based on the results which have been received from the first test. It is vital that you get medical treatment from a reputed Sexology Clinic Treatment in Chennai which can enable you to cure you from your male infertility. To find a Best Sexologist in Chennai, you need to read the feedback written by patients who have taken sexology treatment from that doctor. 

You need to also make sure and find out if the equipments used by the Sexology Doctor in Chennai are in good working condition. Will you be comfortable with them when they are performing the procedure? 


As you can see male infertility can be treated when you meet a Reputed Sexologist Doctor in Chennai who can actually help you.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Is There Any Ideal Sexology Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction from a Reputed Sexologist Doctor in Chennai

If you are having sexual issues, then you will want to make it a point and visit the Sexologist Doctor in Chennai. The doctor can immensely help you with your problem. There is no need to feel upset because you cannot make your wife conceive and lead a normal sexual life.

These days, women are very sexually active and when their requirements are not met, they tend to look elsewhere. No husband will want that to happen. That is why, the earlier you take the medical treatment the more your chances of leading a good sexual life. Men are embarrassed having to visit a doctor, especially when she is a woman specialist.

sexology treatment in chennai
Ideal Sexology Treatment Doctor in Chennai

Tests and Treatments provided by the Best Sexology Doctor in Chennai

A sexologist doctor first performs few tests to actually find out the exact cause of your medical problem. They do that sending your semen for analysis and checked to find out if the sperm count and quality of sperm is normal. If the sperm count is low, then you are indeed suffering from infertility. 

The reproductive organs are scanned to see if there are physical abnormalities. The doctor also checks and analysis your body for any medical issue. Several tests are again performed based on the results which are got earlier. If you are suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, then you will want to know that immediate medical treatment is needed. 

Some other Ideas to get Healed soon after Visiting a Sexologist Doctor in Chennai : 

As recommended by the Best Sexology Doctor in Chennai it helps in reducing the changes of erectile dysfunction. You will also want to exercise on a daily basis which helps you to reduce your weight and have normal sexual intercourse. If your partner helps you by holding your organ for sometime till you cannot hold any longer then premature ejaculation can be stopped. 

Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai
Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai

If you are obese, then immediately start to lose weight by doing regular exercises. Find a good Sexology Treatment Clinic in Chennai and take their advice and medications seriously.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

How Can I Get Best IVF Sexology Treatment Clinic Hospital & Sexologist Doctor in Chennai?

Do suffer from female infertility? Are you disappointed that you were not able to make your partner conceive? Not being able to satisfy your partner it a very risky affair. That is because she might not be sexually satisfied and may look elsewhere. The main cause for these kinds of affair is because of no satisfaction in sex life. 

That is why you will want to deal with your medical problem immediately and find a good doctor who can help you out with female infertility. 

Sexology Doctorin Chennai
Best IVF Sexology Treatment Clinic Hospital in Chennai
What is Female Infertility?

Female infertility is the inability to get a good erection. Unless you have proper erection, you cannot make your partner pregnant. Apart from that, your sperm count tends to be very low, which is the main reason for your partner not conceiving. Men getting normal erection can conceive their partners.

How to find a Reputed & Best Sexologist in Chennai?

Going to a Sexology Doctor in Chennai can help you with your medical problems. Initially some medical tests are performed and your medical history, medications, and body problems are reviewed. The semen is collected and sent for analysis. Other tests might be suggested based on the results received from the first test. 

It is important that you get treatment from a reputed Sexology Clinic in Chennai, as then only your female infertility can be treated. There are many sexologists in Chennai and selecting a reliable doctor is difficult. Simply claiming to provide good medical treatment cannot prove that he/she is the Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai

A professional doctor will not charge you for your first appointment and will take the time to answer your questions patiently. They will make all your doubts clear. Unless the doctor answers your questions patiently, you might want to leave that place. You will want to beware that the cost of the treatment will be on the higher side. 

Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai
Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai
That is why, you should find out if they accept your insurance policy. You may be admitted for a few nights and may have to visit the clinic few times for testing and other reasons. The staff and technicians working in the clinic should be professional and treat patients with dignity and patience. 

See if the clinic has equipments in good working condition when the doctors perform Sexology Treatment in Chennai?  Are you comfortable with them? 


It is clear that female infertility can be treated without any issue. That is why you need to make sure that you get treatment from a reputed sexologist who can actually help you. 

Sunday, 7 August 2016

How to Choose Best Autism Treatment & Speech Therapy Centre in Chennai for Kids Education?

Speech Therapy Centre in Chennai caters to individuals with communication needs and helps them develop the required communication skills to lead an independent life through leading speech therapy training centre in chennai.

Speech Therapy Centre in Chennai
Speech Therapy Centre in Chennai
Chaitanya Therapy Our Vision :

To make individuals with communication problem realize their potential and nurture them to have basic communication skills in order to enhance their quality of life and to make them communicate independently for their basic needs.

We provide Speech Therapy Centre in Chennai to all individuals having problem with communication from children to adults. 

Chaitanya Therapy For Children :

Initially a comprehensive speech and language evaluation will be carried out by interviewing the parents and the child. It provides Best Autism Treatment Centre in Chennai for children. Based on the evaluation, an individualized session plan will be designed to cater to individual needs. We believe in family support. Hence parents will be trained and encouraged to observe the sessions in order to generalize the skills acquired in the sessions. 

Handwriting Improvement Classes in Chennai
Chaitanya Therapy For Adults :

For individuals having stammering or problem with their voice, initially a comprehensive speech and language evaluation will be carried out. It also provides Best Handwriting Improvement Classes in Chennai for kids. Based on the evaluation, an individualized session plan will be designed. We believe in intensive practice. Hence the person will be trained to use certain techniques. The person needs to practice these skills regularly at home and outside while speaking to others for speedy recovery. 

For Individuals having problem with Special Education Tuition Center in Chennai like Aphasia, Apraxia of speech etc. After comprehensive evaluation, an individualized session plan will be designed tailored to individuals specific needs. The care taker will be encouraged to observe the sessions in order to generalize the skills at home and for speedy recovery.

How to Get Good Treatment for Sexology Dysfunction from Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai?

If you are suffering from sexual dysfunction, then immediately get treated from a reputed Sexology Doctor in Chennai.  

As a husband, you certainly do not want that to happen. The earlier you get the medical treatment, the better your chances of being able to become normal and lead a good sexual life. Usually, men are shy when having to visit a doctor, especially a woman specialist with this kind of serious medical problem. 

Sexology Doctor in Chennai
How to Get Treatment from Sexology Doctor in Chennai
There are many causes for your sexual dysfunction namely, tension and stress. When you have a job that requires high stress and tension, then you will want to reconsider your job because it can really have a negative effect on your health and reproductive system. After getting exhausted from work, it can also take a toll on your physical body and cause infertility. 

Test and Treatments Provided by the Sexology Doctor in Chennai :

Few tests are done by the sexologist doctor to find out the exact cause of your medical problem. Your semen is tested and checked to find out if the sperm count and quality of sperm is normal. When low sperm count occurs, then it means that you are suffering from infertility. Your reproductive organs are also scanned to find out for physical abnormalities. 

Sexologist Doctor Clinic in Chennai
How to Visit Sexologist Doctor Clinic in Chennai

Premature ejaculation can be also stopped if your partner cooperates by holding your organ gently till you cannot hold any longer. When obese, then start losing weight by doing regular exercises. Search for a reputed Sexologist Doctor in Chennai and make treatments from best Sexology Clinic in Chennai.

Conclusion: It is clear that visiting a good doctor and leading a healthy lifestyle can immensely benefit your health as well as sexual function.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Where Can I Find Best Sexologist Doctor for IVF Sexology Treatment Clinic Center in Chennai?

Are you somebody who is suffering from male infertility? Probably you are upset and disappointed with yourself? That is because if you are married and not able to conceive your partner your family members and society make your life a lot harder.  There are many best sexologists in chennai for male infertility sexual problem, you can choose right sexual doctor.

Find Best IVF Sexologist Doctor in Chennai
Find Best IVF Sexologist Doctor in Chennai
What is Male Infertility?

Male infertility is the inability for you to get your partner pregnant. Exposure to heat during the work, long working hours, bad eating habits, and smoking. Low sperm count decreases the chances of conceiving. Having lot of stress is also one factor for infertility to occur. Age of the person depends for male infertility. Those who above 40 years and more have lesser chance of making their partner conceive. 

Visiting a sexology doctor in chennai can help you with your problems as some tests are performed. Your medical history and medications are reviewed. Your semen is sent for analysis. Other tests might be suggested based on the results received from the first test. When you receive treatment from a reputed sexology clinic in chennai, male fertility can be treated. 

The main problem here is that, there are many sexologist doctor in chennai. This can make it very hard on you to find a good doctor. That is because, they all claim that they provide excellent treatment for male infertility and you tend to get convinced with those claims. However, mere claims cannot prove that he/she is the best sexology doctor in chennai.

Find the Best IVF Sexology Treatment Clinic Center in Chennai :

To do that, you will want to fix an appointment with them. Usually a professional doctor will not charge you for your first appointment and will take the time to answer your questions patiently. Unless he/she answers your questions patiently, you will not want to go there. You will want to beware that the cost of the treatment will be on the higher side. You need to ensure that they accept your insurance policy.

Best IVF Sexology Treatment Clinic in Chennai
Best IVF Sexology Treatment Clinic in Chennai
They should treat their patients with dignity and patience. Find out whether the clinic has equipments in good working condition when the doctors perform sexology treatment in Chennai? Will you be comfortable with them?

As you can see male infertility can be treated without any problems. However to do that, you will want to make sure that you get treatment from a reputed sexologist who can help you. 

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Top 5 Reasons for Female Not Getting Pregnant?

Trying for a kid but not having much luck? Here are five strange X-factors you may not have considered. Single guys worry about slipping one past the goalie. But when you and your partner decide to start a family, scoring a goal may prove tougher than you anticipated.

Research suggests only 1 out of 5 couples have success the first month they start trying for kids, and nearly 20 percent won’t get lucky within the first year. Bottom line: Knocking up your partner isn’t always easy— even if you’re both healthy and fertile, Says Dr Narayana Reddy - Sexology Doctor in Chennai, Chief of Narayana Reddy, Sexology Treatment Clinic Hospital and IVF Center in Chennai.

How to Get Pregnant with Sexology Treatment Clinic in Chennai
How to Get Pregnant with Sexology Treatment Clinic in Chennai
That said, if you and your girl have been trying for a while without success, these 5 crazy factors could explain your inability to conceive:

1. You Practice Too Close to the Big Game:

Your sperm count can decrease by as much as 50 percent if you ejaculate on a daily basis, Dr Narayana Reddy explains. Sperm motility—or your swimmers’ ability to make it to your partner’s egg—also takes a hit every time you orgasm. That means guys hoping to have kids should knock off their usual masturbation habits in the week leading up to their attempts at conception, Dr Narayana Reddy says. “It’s best if you lay off for at least 3 to 5 days before trying to conceive,” he adds. 

2. Your Junk Might Be Faulty:

Roughly one out of every 100 men suffers from some form of hypospadias—or a misplaced urethra opening, Dr. Köhler says. Basically, this means the hole at the tip of your penis doesn’t sit in quite the right spot. “It could be just a small fraction off, and you’d never notice it,” he explains. “Or, in more extreme cases, it could be located well down the underside of your shaft toward your testicles.” This condition can screw up the trajectory of your ejaculate, making it nearly impossible for your “boys” to reach your partner’s cervix and egg. Guys with hypospadias may have to consider artificial insemination methods, Dr Narayana Reddy says.

3. You're Fueling Up with the Wrong Foods:

Both soy and dairy contain nutrients with estrogen-raising properties. And if your estrogen hormones become elevated in relation to your testosterone levels, your sperm production falls, Dr Narayana Reddy explains. He recommends staying away from both soy and dairy while your partner is trying to get pregnant. (On the other hand, eating fruit, vegetables, and taking a multivitamin have all been shown to bolster your sperm counts and motility, he says.) 

4. The Heat Is On (Your Lap):

While old rumors about “tighty whities” and bike shorts are BS, Dr Narayana Reddy says it’s true that hot tubs, saunas, and Jacuzzis can heat up your nuts to the point that your sperm production and motility plummets. Another possible sperm killer: working with a laptop positioned over your privates. If you’re sitting around in the heat with a hot laptop on your baby makers, you may be raising the thermostat to a level your sperm can’t handle, Dr Narayana Reddy suggests.

Find the Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai
Find the Best Sexologist Doctor in Chennai
5. You Puff Different Stuff :

There’s lots of evidence that smoking cigarettes hurts a man’s ability to reproduce and Dr Narayana Reddy says the same could be said for those guys with a regular pot habit. “The mechanisms aren’t well understood,” he says. But circulatory problems arising from smoking anything, not to mention inhaling toxins from marijuana that end up in your blood stream, could explain how smoking weed could negatively affect your chances at conceiving..content from men's health.

How to Get Best Sexologist Doctor & Sexology Treatment Clinic in Chennai:

Finding a affordable sexology treatments clinic in chennai is not as easy as you think. You need to spend some time in research and put in some time and effort before choosing best sexologist doctor in chennai.